Two Pocket Cases - Complete (Void - split into two posts).
May 31, 2015 08:31PM
I have completed 2 Pocket Cases for Sale.




These are hand hammered from German (Nickel) Silver. This is an alloy of Nickel, Zinc, and Copper. It is much harder then Brass. It was the fancy/expensive trim metal before Chrome came into usage.

These cases are made from flat sheet stock. I made the tooling to "raise" the domes and make the handmade hinges (intergal with the dome) and the snap catch (integral).

This case is about the size of a large pocket watch.

Cost: $350 for one single payment ... or you can split the cost 30-40 days apart, for $375.

I hope you like it. grinning smiley




German Silver Hunting Case. Scene is made from struck dies, carved from hardened tool steel. The details between the stamps are hand carved. This is called "Victorian Stamp Art". I've made all the tools, over the past 40+ years.

This case has a hammer textured back as well. It's $400 for one payment, or $425 for split payments 30-40 days apart.

This is actual "handmade" art. Maybe some day I'll have a catalog of all the features and costs. I doubt it. For now - this is how they exist: as available.

I hope you like it. They are a Great Worry Fiddle Device!

Thanks for looking,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2015 04:41PM by barnespneumatic.
Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
May 31, 2015 09:50PM
Nice work Gary, hope we continue to see offers like these between other ledger work. It's a good opportunity for someone to pickup some fine items.
Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 01, 2015 04:38AM
Thanks Sal,

I appreciate it.

It's nearly impossible to photograph reflective objects, without taking about $500 worth of time setting up lighting and filters, per every pr. of earrings.

What looks like a neat effect of oxide vs. mirror reflections (when hand held) looks basically like crap in a quick picture.

Add in the reflective qualities of a hammered dimpled surface with a thousand concave mirrors, and you just have to have a bit of faith.

Perhaps I should send each one out to a Professional Studio? Or ..... I could send one out .... and then spend the rest of my life making identical sterile copies of the commercial image? Another idea! Yeah ...... No.

Thanks Sal!
Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 01, 2015 11:46AM
I agree Gary, it's like you need the light to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once!? Say what?
I imagine one day you will have a spot setup with some lighting in one of your shops to make things a bit easier, put that on the to do list for 2025 will you?
Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 01, 2015 02:30AM

This is the back of the first one. I posted two of the front. They look about the same here on my Ring Phone Screen .... Haha

Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 01, 2015 07:18PM
That hammered finish and the pocket cases go together like peas and carrots. smiling smiley And while it is tricky to get the perfect lighting setup for an item like this, I think the first and the third photo do a very good job of representing what they look like in the hand. And no, I haven't tried to see how many Mentos fit in one yet.grinning smiley
Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 01, 2015 09:01PM

Got the Mentos question answered. Haha.

Just a matter of if I make the domes more shallow or deeper. But; this is the possible capacity, if desired.

thumbs up

Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 01, 2015 10:07PM
Gary, thanks for taking the time to answer the mentos question."festive"
Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 03, 2015 06:54PM
I can confirm that the pocket cases are hugely popular gifts!
Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 03, 2015 07:01PM
And just the perfect size to keep a small handful of them safe from disastrous diet-coke exposure. thumbs up
Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 03, 2015 08:35PM
There's an angle!!! By Jove!!!

"Mentos Rescue Program!" We here at MRP (sort of belches off the tongue - doesn't it?) ... We here at MRP, are dedicated to saving just .... ah ..... scroll up ..... 5 .... FIVE! Mentos at a time, from the likes of uTubers everywhere, who have clearly forgotten ... our theme ... "Mentos Are People Too!"

We have commissioned some old Fart in the Vines of Florida, to make these "MSD" (Mentos Security Devices) .... (what do you expect - I've had two minutes to think about it) ..... These MSD to safely cradle .... cradle?? ....heck yeah .... CRADLE these delicate, and did I say "Innocent"? .... I did? ..... no ...... I didn't. Well, I did now. Cradle these delicate innocent BEINGS from the ravages of mankind. Spit.

If we can save just five Mentos ... (well, five at a time) .... then we can ..... ah .....

Sean????? back to you ......
Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 03, 2015 10:32PM
Wait a minute . Then what do I do with this toy ? I can keep the mints safe till ready for use .Or change the name to Barnes mentos powered air gun ! Complete with expedition cases !

Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 04, 2015 02:12AM

Not even WOOD!

Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 04, 2015 04:21AM
Forget that! Where is the stainless version?!
Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 05, 2015 07:10PM
You could market them as Mentos Emergency Reserve Pocket Preservation Safes.

Hmmm...that'd leave us with MERPPS as the acronym...gonna have to work on something catchier.
Re: Two Pocket Cases - Complete (For Sale)
June 09, 2015 02:35AM
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